Automotive Industry and Economy
(in € million) Turnover Investments Public Revenue
Argentina 3,519
Australia 18,929 887
Austria 13,900 580 8,315
Belgium 18,225 302 7,155
Brazil 26,997 1,141
Canada 77469* 2496** 9,701
China 86,984 5,330
Croatia 205 20 1
Czech Rep. 12,091 663 1,032
Denmark 1,165 46 5,867
Egypt 2,901 1,661 1,911
Finland 1,076 36 3,807
France 111,901 4,196 34,000
Germany 227,666 11,900 44,314
Greece 162 17 3,200
Hungary 8,144 432
India 16,893 1,014 11,122
Indonesia 3,858 1,071
Italy 54,135 3,450 40,954
Japan 435,610 6,450 66,444
Korea 62,993 2,239 16,615
Malaysia 6,084 1,263
Mexico 3,348
Netherlands 7,876 81 10,837
Poland 16,202 893
Portugal 4,457 176 6,897
Romania 1,836 308
Russia 7,019 223 654
Slovakia 8,711 1,056
Slovenia 1,544 40
South Africa 20,602 277 3,459
Spain 75,104 2,740 23,212
Sweden 24,784 861 5,590
Switzerland 4,252 4,689
Thailand 11655* 443 2,871
Turkey 28,196 502 10,127
UK 58,238 1,590 46,099
USA 425,106 30,416 64,289
Total 1,889,840 84,801 433,160

  *gross production value **gross fixed capital formation


When it comes to safety, automakers are strongly committed to being part of the solution. Today’s automobiles have greatly enhanced safety systems and many important safety features, making them safer than ever.

For instance, in the USA, availability of these safety features has risen by up to 23% from 2005.

Safety Feature Model Year 2006 availability
Electronic stability control 63%
Head-protecting side air bags 84%
Belt reminders 85%
Anti-lock braking system 100%

Source: US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s 2006, Buying a Safer Car

In spite of a growing number of vehicles on the road, the steady fall in the number of fatalities in road accidents shows that they are getting safer.


The industry is committed to contributing to an integrated approach, with other stakeholders,to a cleaner environment and reduced carbon emissions. Automakers are constantly developing more efficient engines and drive-trains to reduce fuel consumption, and a wide range of sophisticated emissions-control technology is putting cleaner automobiles on the road everywhere. With more and more new vehicles with modern exhaust emissions performance on the road, clear improvements in air quality can be seen. This trend will continue, even without further improvements to new vehicles, as older, more polluting cars are replaced with new ones.