ANFAVEA: November is the best month for the Brazilian auto industry in 2020, but still under the negative effects of the pandemic

According to the Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores (ANFAVEA), the national association of automotive vehicles manufacturers, November kept the growth trend of the second semester, showing the best monthly results of 2020. Exports and production volumes surpassed November 2019, but domestic sales are still 7,1% below last year.
Production volumes are still being negatively […]

Global automotive industry presents UN Special Envoy with plan to advance global vehicle safety

At a press conference at the Automobile Club de France, OICA President Christian Peugeot presented Jean Todt, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Road Safety and President of the FIA, the consensus obtained from the manufacturers (OICA members) regarding the safety requirements to be promoted by the authorities of each country.
The global automotive industry, […]

OICA present at ICV 2019

ICV 2019 occured in Tianjin from May 8 to 9. Photos celebrating this event can be viewed by clicking on:

OICA and its members participated in ICV 2019. You can download presentations on key automotive topics

OICA approach on AV homologation – OICA – Olivier Fontaine
European momentum –  ACEA – Joost Vantomme
The future UN Regulations on Cybersecurity and SW […]



OICA-HD FE Workshop – Introduction
OICA-HD FE Workshop – Overview  if results of first FE Harmonization WS
OICA-HD FE Workshop – Korean HDV CO2 Regulation
OICA-HD FE Workshop – Process for Harmonization