Mr FU Bingfeng elected President of the “world organization for the automotive industry” OICA

The 28 November 2019 annual OICA General Assembly, in Mumbai, India, elected the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, CAAM, represented by its Executive Vice-Chairman and Secretary General
Mr FU Bingfeng, as the new president of the world automotive industry association OICA (Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d’Automobiles – International Organisation of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers).
Mr Fu succeeds Mr Christian Peugeot, representing the French automotive industry association
(CCFA – Comité des Constructeurs Français d’Automobiles), who took over the presidency for 2019, marking the centennial of OICA which was celebrated on February 13 in the presence of the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron and worldwide car manufacturers.
At the occasion of this General Assembly, also a round table was held to discuss several issues facing the global automobile industry, such as the questions of data privacy, cybersecurity, new mobility technologies, …. The General Assembly also reviewed the situation of the markets, especially in India and China. Mr Peugeot, Mr Rajan Wadhera, President of SIAM – Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers and Mr Fu recognised that the markets are suffering some declines due to a variety of reasons, but also expressed their confidence that the global auto industry will again demonstrate its high resilience and capacity for adaptation in the face of the new challenges, including those of new mobility providers as well as new technologies.
The General Assembly also appointed Mr Erik Jonnaert, former ACEA secretary general, as its special ambassador for global road safety. Mr Jonnaert, in close cooperation with the OICA Technical Committee and the OICA secretary general, will be in charge to assist and advice governments and the local auto industries in the implementation of the minimum safety requirements identified in the recently published OICA Manifesto on Global Road Safety, in those countries and/or regions where the existing safety legislation is notably inadequate or even non-existing. OICA is indeed convinced that the imposition of mandatory safety requirements is the best way forward to quickly ensure that all vehicles newly placed on the market are equipped with cost-effective life-saving technologies while at the same time preserving free and open competition.
About OICA:
The world association OICA was founded in 1919 and gathers 37 national trade associations around the world, including all major automobile manufacturing countries in Europe, America, and Asia. OICA is the only non-governmental car and truck manufacturers’ organization accredited to the United Nations and represents the technical interests in international institutions and organizations.
The OICA activities contribute to the worldwide diffusion of technology, experience and know-how, to the benefit of all countries. OICA coordinates the global harmonization of vehicle regulations. The member countries are committed to the improvement of road safety and environmental protection, and they actively contribute to the global harmonization of technical regulations and standards. OICA also collects and publishes international statistics and coordinates the yearly calendar of Motor shows all over the world.
For further information:
Yves van der Straaten, Secretary General, + 33 (0)1 43 59 00 13,