Media Center
OICA appeals for further improvements to fuel quality as a key for improved environmental protection
OICA appeals for further improvements to fuel quality as a key for improved environmental protection
OICA reviews the Challenges facing the Global Markets and elects the Korean Association KAMA as 1st Vice President as well as two new Board Members
OICA reviews the Challenges facing the Global Markets and elects the Korean Association KAMA as 1st Vice President as well as two new Board Members
OICA China Forum slideshow
View the OICA China Forum slideshow
CAAM and OICA held the “2011 OICA China Forum” in Shanghai
CAAM and OICA held the “2011 OICA China Forum” in Shanghai
OICA appeals for Harmonised Intelligent Transport Systems standards to facilitate the accelerated deployment of connected vehicles
OICA appeals for Harmonised Intelligent Transport Systems standards to facilitate the accelerated deployment of connected vehicles
Patrick Blain elected President of OICA
Patrick Blain elected President of OICA
Global Marketplace Roundtable: Key Messages
Global Marketplace Roundtable: Key Messages
Rome MEET 2: A successful step towards Cancun UN Climate Change Conference
Rome MEET 2: A successful step towards Cancun UN Climate Change Conference
2nd Ministerial Conference on Global Environment and Energy in Transport – Presentation by Mr. E. Razelli, OICA Vice President
2nd Ministerial Conference on Global Environment and Energy in Transport – Presentation by Mr. E. Razelli, OICA Vice President
Our global road transport priority : Reducing CO2 emissions through an integrated approach
Our global road transport priority : Reducing CO2 emissions through an integrated approach
Repositioning in the automotive world. The challenges facing the global auto industry – the call for a new paradigm
Repositioning in the automotive world. The challenges facing the global auto industry – the call for a new paradigm
Alliance President and CEO Dave McCurdy elected President of OICA
Alliance President and CEO Dave McCurdy elected President of OICA
The economic crisis in the auto industry: Government action can help global market recovery
The economic crisis in the auto industry: Government action can help global recovery
The UN Technical Regulations for Motor Vehicles: 50 years of experience with the 1958 Agreement
The United Nations Uniform Technical Regulations for Motor Vehicles: 50 years of experience with the 1958 Agreement – The point of view of the vehicle manufacturers
Speech by Mr. Carlo Sinceri, OICA President, on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the 1958 Agreement
Speech by Mr. Carlo Sinceri, OICA President, on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Agreement on Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Vehicles