OICA appeals for further improvements to fuel quality as a key for improved environmental protection

- November 16, 2011 -

OICA appeals for further improvements to fuel quality as a key for improved environmental protection

OICA reviews the Challenges facing the Global Markets and elects the Korean Association KAMA as 1st Vice President as well as two new Board Members

- October 28, 2011 -

OICA reviews the Challenges facing the Global Markets and elects the Korean Association KAMA as 1st Vice President as well as two new Board Members

OICA China Forum slideshow

- May 25, 2011 -

View the OICA China Forum slideshow

CAAM and OICA held the “2011 OICA China Forum” in Shanghai

- May 20, 2011 -

CAAM and OICA held the “2011 OICA China Forum” in Shanghai

OICA appeals for Harmonised Intelligent Transport Systems standards to facilitate the accelerated deployment of connected vehicles

- April 21, 2011 -

OICA appeals for Harmonised Intelligent Transport Systems standards to facilitate the accelerated deployment of connected vehicles

Patrick Blain elected President of OICA

- February 23, 2011 -

Patrick Blain elected President of OICA

Global Marketplace Roundtable: Key Messages

- February 11, 2011 -

Global Marketplace Roundtable: Key Messages

Rome MEET 2: A successful step towards Cancun UN Climate Change Conference

- November 26, 2010 -

Rome MEET 2: A successful step towards Cancun UN Climate Change Conference

2nd Ministerial Conference on Global Environment and Energy in Transport – Presentation by Mr. E. Razelli, OICA Vice President

- November 08, 2010 -

2nd Ministerial Conference on Global Environment and Energy in Transport – Presentation by Mr. E. Razelli, OICA Vice President

Our global road transport priority : Reducing CO2 emissions through an integrated approach

- August 10, 2010 -

Our global road transport priority : Reducing CO2 emissions through an integrated approach

Repositioning in the automotive world. The challenges facing the global auto industry – the call for a new paradigm

- June 09, 2010 -

Repositioning in the automotive world. The challenges facing the global auto industry – the call for a new paradigm

Alliance President and CEO Dave McCurdy elected President of OICA

- November 06, 2009 -

Alliance President and CEO Dave McCurdy elected President of OICA

The economic crisis in the auto industry: Government action can help global market recovery

- March 12, 2009 -

The economic crisis in the auto industry: Government action can help global recovery

The UN Technical Regulations for Motor Vehicles: 50 years of experience with the 1958 Agreement

- June 18, 2008 -

The United Nations Uniform Technical Regulations for Motor Vehicles:  50 years of experience with the 1958 Agreement – The point of view of the vehicle manufacturers

Speech by Mr. Carlo Sinceri, OICA President, on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the 1958 Agreement

- June 15, 2008 -

Speech by Mr. Carlo Sinceri, OICA President, on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Agreement on Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Vehicles